UU3 International Conglomerates and Holding Company

Headquarters http://uu3.org/
Eric's guest room
2 rue Nouvelle de Wailly
Clermont-Ferrand 63000 France
Email: eric@uu3.org
Tel: + (mobile); +1.617.599.3509 (google voice)

Core Products

UU3 is big, really big. It would be pointless to try to enumerate even our core compentencies, let alone our vast experience. Suffice it to say, if it involved indigenous exploitation, environmental degradation, political instability for short-term financial gain, rent-seeking, or service to oligarchs, we're probably behind it.

Legal Services

The crack legal team at UU3 have successfully thwarted all efforts to render the top executives accountable for anything from insurrection to parking tickets. Whether through strategic regime change or persuadable witnesses, our success can be your success; just make sure your interests align with ours.

UU3 owns and operates a secret police force feared and respected throughout the free world; enough said.